Get faster at losing Opportunities

|2019-09-01T21:44:02+02:00June 11, 2019|, , |

The objective is common in B2B Sales: we need to close more deals in less time. The approach to get there is often common as well: a focussed effort to determine how to close a deal faster. Review the common bottlenecks in closing new deals and determine what can be changed to close faster.

Surprisingly, the real value is often not in accelerating the wins but in losing faster: the Sales reps inability to kill their darlings and spending time on deals they can not win. The average days it takes to lose a deal is often high. I have even seen situations where it took a team on average longer to lose a deal than to win a deal.

What if the time they spend on losing deals is reallocated to deals they can actually win? The impact of the increased focus on these potential winners can be tremendous.

Have you checked your average days to lose a deal? What’s your improvement potential?

Need help? Start with a free intake meeting!

We can quickly assess your value potential and outline a realization plan. Call us today or fill in the details below to book a free intake meeting. 

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